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Program – Covered Bridges of New Hampshire

Private Event

New Hampshire is home to over sixty-one covered bridges, 46 of which are over a century old. Join Kim as she presents an overview of the historic covered bridges in the Granite State.  This is a private event hosted by RiverMead.

Program – Covered Bridges near New London, Past & Present

Tracy Memorial Library 304 Main Street, New London, NH

Join Kim as she presents an overview of covered bridges in the greater New London area, including several that have been lost to time. This program includes an overview of historic preservation efforts to save these historic landmarks and resources to start your own journey of discovering New Hampshire's covered bridges. This program is sponsored...

Program – Covered Bridges near Center Harbor, Past & Present

James Nichols Memorial Library 35 Plymouth Street, Center Harbor, New Hampshire

New Hampshire was once home to over 300 covered bridges. Today, there are over sixty authentic covered bridges in New Hampshire, forty-six of which are over a century old. These bridges exist solely because of the efforts of a small but powerful community that both recognized their significance and honored their tradition. Join author and...

Program – Covered Bridges near Dunbarton, Past & Present

Dunbarton Public Libary 1004 School Street, Dunbarton, NH

New Hampshire is home to over sixty-one covered bridges, 46 of which are over a century old.  Join Kim as she presents an overview of these bridges and shares information on the Dunbarton area covered bridges that have been lost to time. This program includes an overview of historic preservation efforts to save these historic...

Online Program – Covered Bridges near Freedom, Past & Present


New Hampshire is home to over sixty-one covered bridges, 46 of which are over a century old.  Join Kim as she presents an overview of these bridges and shares information on the Freedom area covered bridges that have been lost to time. This program includes an overview of historic preservation efforts to save these historic...

Program – Covered Bridges near Westmoreland, Past & Present

Westmoreland Town Hall 780 Rt-63, Westmoreland, NH

New Hampshire is home to over sixty-one covered bridges, 46 of which are over a century old.  Join Kim as she presents an overview of these bridges and shares information on the Westmoreland area covered bridges that have been lost to time. This program includes an overview of historic preservation efforts to save these historic...

Program – Covered Bridges near Dublin, Past & Present

Dublin Public Library 1114 Main Street, Dublin, NH

New Hampshire is home to over sixty-one covered bridges, 46 of which are over a century old.  Join Kim as she presents an overview of these bridges and shares information on the Dublin area covered bridges that have been lost to time. This program includes an overview of historic preservation efforts to save these historic...

Program – Covered Bridges near Meredith, Past & Present

Taylor Commuinity Meredith Bay 21 Upper Mile Point Dr, Meredith, NH

New Hampshire is home to over sixty-one covered bridges, 46 of which are over a century old.  Join Kim as she presents an overview of these bridges and shares information on the Meredith area covered bridges that have been lost to time. This program includes an overview of historic preservation efforts to save these historic...

Program – Covered Bridges of New Hampshire

Private Event

New Hampshire was once home to over 300 covered bridges. Today, there are over sixty authentic covered bridges in New Hampshire, forty-six of which are over a century old. These bridges exist solely because of the efforts of a small but powerful community that both recognized their significance and honored their tradition. Join author and...

Program – Covered Bridges near Nelson, Past & Present

Olivia Rodham Memorial Library 1 Nelson Common, Nelson, NH

New Hampshire is home to over sixty-one covered bridges, 46 of which are over a century old.  Join Kim as she presents an overview of these bridges and shares information on the Nelson area covered bridges that have been lost to time. This program includes an overview of historic preservation efforts to save these historic...

Program – Covered Bridges near Keene, Past & Present

Congregation Ahavas Achim 84 Hastings Ave, Keene, NH

New Hampshire is home to over sixty-one covered bridges, 46 of which are over a century old.  Join Kim as she presents an overview of these bridges and shares information on the Keene area covered bridges that have been lost to time. This program includes an overview of historic preservation efforts to save these historic...

Program – Covered Bridges near Harrisville, Past & Present

Harrisville Public Library 7 Canal St, Harrisville, NH

New Hampshire is home to over sixty-one covered bridges, 46 of which are over a century old.  Join Kim as she presents an overview of these bridges and shares information on the Harrisville area covered bridges that have been lost to time. This program includes an overview of historic preservation efforts to save these historic...

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